What You Should Do If You Believe You've Been A Victim Of Police Brutality

Police officers often have to make life-and-death decisions in a micro-instant. And while most will end up making the right call, a few, unfortunately, will abuse the power that's been given to them. In fact, the nightly news seems to have become a never-ending parade of police brutality stories. Proving police abuse, however, can be a challenge.  Arrested Developments If you've recently suffered injuries while being arrested, you will need to prove that the police officer -- or officers -- used force beyond what was necessary for the situation at hand. [Read More]

Signs You Might Be an Aggressive Driver and Tips for Cooling Your Jets

AAA recently conducted a study and, based on stats published by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), concluded that a little over half of all car-crash fatalities from 2003–2007 could be blamed on aggressive driving. You may think that aggressive driving is defined by getting angry behind the wheel, but you don't have to be mad to drive aggressively. You could just be in a hurry. Here are some signs that you could be an aggressive driver and what you can do to deflate the problem and stay safe on the road so you don't hurt others or end up facing a lawsuit. [Read More]

5 Things You Should Know About Receiving Alimony in California

Separation and divorce both have their own unique set of challenges for every couple. But if you're worried about facing financial hardship, you may consider seeking spousal support. Here are five things you should know about going after alimony in the state of California so that you know what to expect and what questions to ask when consulting with your attorney. Temporary Versus Longer-Term Support If you are seeking alimony, it will either be temporary or come as a final judgment with the divorce. [Read More]

Getting Car-Crash Compensation: Considerations for Choosing a Personal-Injury Lawyer

Luckily, you don't have to face all of the medical bills, vehicle repairs, and loss of income alone if you've been injured in a car crash that wasn't your fault. You may be able to receive some compensation for any expenses, lost work, and pain and suffering that has resulted from the accident. You'll need an experienced personal-injury lawyer by your side to help ensure that you win your case and maximize your potential compensation. [Read More]