Personal Injury Claims: 3 Types Of Evidence To Prove The Effect Of Injuries On Work

In the unfortunate circumstance that you have been injured in an accident, you might be entitled to compensation if you missed work due to the accident or if the injuries you sustained have a negative impact or effect on your ability to work. Filing a personal injury claim is the best course of action to take. Approximately 95% to 96% of claims are settled pre-trial. With sufficient evidence, your personal injury attorney can build a strong case on your behalf to negotiate with the responsible party. Here are 3 types of evidence you'll need to collect to prove the effect that the injuries have had on your ability to work.

Printed Work Schedule with Documented Proof of Absence or Time Missed

One of the first things you have to prove is that you took time off work as a result of the accident or the injuries sustained. Proving that you were going to go to work and were expecting to earn a certain income or to clock a certain number of hours will show that the accident caused you to lose out on your wages. A printed schedule from your company that clearly shows the days and times that you were supposed to go to work will be strong evidence that you could have otherwise used the hours spent in recovery to earn some income.

If you took time off work, you'll need to document that. For example, you might want to submit proof that you took time off of work due to the accident via an email that you might have sent to your supervisor. A written testimony from your company can also prove that you requested time off of work to deal with the injuries you sustained from the accident.

Medical Reports of Effect of Accident on Ability to Work

You'll want to gather all medical reports submitted by medical examiners to prove that the injuries you've sustained are severe enough to force you to take time off work. The medical reports should also clearly state how the injuries have affected your ability to work. For example, if you broke your wrist, you might not be able to work because you are a copywriter. You might not be able to go into work because the pain from the injuries limits your mobility.

If you have already reached your maximum limit for recovery, you should also gather evidence to prove so. This is especially important if the injuries you've sustained have led to some sort of a temporary or permanent disability that will prevent your ability to work in the future.

Testimony from Supervisor Documenting Performance

Being able to track how the injuries you've sustained have affected your ability to work can also prove to be beneficial in court. No one knows more about how the injuries have affected your work performance than your supervisor. At times, a co-worker's testimony may be just as credible. Because of this reason, you'll want your supervisor to provide a written testimony documenting your performance before and after the accident.

The testimony should include what your work performance was prior to the accident and how your actual performance might have been impacted due to either your inability to physically move or any mental trauma or stress that you may struggle with. Your injuries may affect your mood and your character or behavior. If you've suffered from a concussion, you might not be able to respond as quickly or work through problems with as much ease as before.


Knowing how an accident has impacted your work performance can really help a personal injury attorney determine the amount of compensation that you are entitled to. Collecting and gathering the evidence that is needed will make your attorney's job a lot easier. It will also give your case the support it needs to make larger and bolder requests towards the responsible party. 
